Featured Artist: Horror Sanctum Studios / Sam McCain
Horror Sanctum Studios is a reputable, experienced and legitimate mask studio – owned and operated by Sam McCain. Sam began making masks over 30 years ago and has been employed at both Don Post Studios and Distortions Unlimited. He has an eye-catching catalog which appeals to many collectors and horror fans. Sam also made and…
Last chance to own a Screen-Used Michael Myers mask!
As covered before, there is a charity auction going on for the actual Screen-used Michael Myers mask worn by Brad Loree in Halloween:Resurrection! We are heading down the stretch here, as there is now less than 24 hours before the auction ends. All proceeds will be donated to charity as well. http://www.charitybuzz.com/catalog_items/272596?preview=1
Don Post might have some life left after all
About two months ago I was reading up on my Horror Hound when a little announcement caught my eye. It wasn’t so much the title, but the pictures that really reeled me in. I really haven’t seen anything noteworthy from Post StudiosĀ since the mid 90’s and that is even questionable, because I was 11…
Win the screen used Halloween Resurrection Michael Myers mask!
Up for charity auction is the screen-used Michael Myers mask worn by Brad Loree in “Halloween Resurrection.” The mask is also signed by Rick Rosenthal (Director of the film). Opportunities to own screen used masks definitely don’t come along often. Best of luck to anyone who places a bid! Check out the auction here: www.charitybuzz.com/catalog_items/272596?preview=1…