Michael Myers and HalloweeN III Masks in other Films

There have been several instances where a Mask from one of the HalloweeN movies has appeared in another film. I thought it would be interesting to document such cases – two at a time. The year of 1998 saw a resurgence in the slasher genre. This movement began with 1996’s Scream, which used parody to expand…

Halloween H20 Discussion

Thanks to the wonders of technology, fellow member Ramonesome recently joined me in rewatching 1998’s Halloween H20. After viewing this film again, we expressed our views and concerns. Here’s the discussion we had. knowbody: This flick seems to get plenty of love, but I’m not a fan of it. I only liked a few scattered…

Michael Myers Techniques: Knife In Back Lift

This second entry in the Myers Techniques series serves to prove that what Dr. Loomis saw in Michael Myers’ eyes was indeed pure darkness. There is definitely an inhuman quality to stabbing someone from behind and then raising them up off their feet with one arm. This method demands great physical power from Michael and it speaks to his diabolical nature. Michael Myers first…