Michael Myers and Leatherface Stock Images
Once again it’s on! The time has come to examine another batch of Michael Myers stock images. We’ll also take a look at one of Myers’ colleagues: Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. To get things started, let’s take a look at the one and only Handsome Myers with Turtleneck: This looks like Captain Kirk in his…
Apollo 18 : Houston, we have a Problem
The found-footage genre took us deep into the woods with The Blair Witch Project (1999). It exposed the ghost of John Wayne Gacy in 8213: Gacy House (2010). It documented a demonic entity in the Paranormal Activity series. In Diary of the Dead (2008), found-footage highlighted the deceased returning to life. With Apollo 18, the…
The Thing of ’51, ’82 and 2011
The Thing is a unique and well-known story of an ancient alien UFO that is discovered by scientific researchers in a remote area of Antarctica. After bringing back a half-alien, half-man creature they found frozen near the craft, sh*t hits the fan. There have been two cinematic versions thus far, the original in 1951 and…