HorrorHound: Q&A Session with Jamie Lee Curtis
The Q&A session that HalloweeN actress Jamie Lee Curtis (who played Laurie Strode, the sister of Michael Myers) took part in at HorrorHound Weekend in November, 2012, is available for you to watch. The footage was recorded and posted online by critterbuster. As opposed to most Q&A panels at these kinds of events, this one was…
Jamie Lee Curtis/Laurie Strode at HorrorHound Weekend
During November 16 to 18, 2012, film star Jamie Lee Curtis was the main guest at HorrorHound Weekend in Indianpolis. To us, Jamie Lee is best known as Laurie Strode, the sister of Michael Myers. Her character has appeared in 4 of the HalloweeN films including: HalloweeN (1978), HalloweeN II (1981), Halloween: H20, and Halloween:…
Screen-Used Michael Myers Mask: KNB Halloween H20 Mask
Most of us wonder where the Michael Myers masks used in the HalloweeN movies end up after filming is completed. Oftentimes, several copies or variations of a mask are used in the making of a movie. There’s a main mask (the so-called hero mask), back-up masks, reshoot masks, stunt masks, etc. It is apparent even to…
Not Michael Myers: Haddonfield’s Other Serial Killer
For such a small and nondescript town, Haddonfield, Illinois has an inordinate amount of peculiar characters and strange happenings. During the time that Michael Myers vanished between Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) and The Curse of Michael Myers (1995), there was another serial killer who roamed the streets of Haddonfield. The year 1993…
Halloween Resurrection Review: Part Two
In part one of our Halloween: Resurrection review, we talked about the opening scene and the conclusion of Laurie Strode’s story. Now we delve into the film’s main storyline. Ramonesome: A year after Laurie’s murder a reality television show wants to film people as they spend a night in Myers house. Honestly it’s not the…