Michael Myers Masks Easter 2013: The Sequel Masks
This time, the Featured Michael Myers Masks will pay homage to the masks from the Halloween sequels, reboots and remakes. The days are starting to get sunnier as we leave the winter behind, so that is a welcome sign, also horror conventions and gatherings have already started to kick off this year. If you can try to…
The Return and Revenge of Michael Myers: The DVD Years
As DVDs became a ubiquitous format for average people and nerds alike in the early 2000s, it was kicked to the curb by the rivalry between High Density and Blu-ray. The DVD was overshadowed and deemed passé in the blink of an eye. I’m fond of the era when the DVD was the preeminent format for movies. I…
Michael Myers Masks: WMP Mayhem 6
The Michael Myers masks used in HalloweeN (1978) and HalloweeN II (1981) are what drew many of us to this hobby. While the HalloweeN sequel masks get their share of love, none of those masks has quite the following that the HalloweeN 6 mask has. As a film, HalloweeN: The Curse of Michael Myers has…
Revisiting the HalloweeN 30th Anniversay Box Set
With the announcement that all of HalloweeN‘s early sequels will be hitting blu-ray later this year, let’s go back to 2008 to revisit another release. Billed as a “6 Disc Collector’s Box,” this HalloweeN 30th Anniversary Commemorative Set was put out by Starz Media/Anchor Bay Entertainment. This item was limited to 20 000 copies and each box had a unique number. However, this set doesn’t appear…