Make your own Michael Myers Mask
You can look exactly like Michael Myers from HalloweeN without breaking the bank. Thanks to Serial Killer Productions, it is now possible to create your own Michael Myers mask quickly and without injuring yourself too much. This free tutorial is offered by Serial Killer Industries, which is run by Positive Brandon and Negative Craig. They…
EXCLUSIVE: H2 Michael Myers Mask (Blood Tears) photos
UPDATE: You can now buy the HalloweeN II Michael Myers mask. After breaking the news that Trick or Treat Studios had secured the rights to officially release the HalloweeN II Michael Myers mask, also brought you an exclusive article with the production photos of the mask that you will actually see in stores. Today…
EXCLUSIVE: Official H2 Michael Myers Mask Production Photos
UPDATE: The HalloweeN II Michael Myers Mask is now available to buy. As we previously announced, Trick or Treat Studios has secured the rights and will be releasing the Official Halloween II Michael Myers Mask. Check out that article here if you missed it. We now have production photos of the mask. In the past…