BREAKING NEWS: Official 2012 Michael Myers mask revealed

It brings me great pleasure to announce that Chris Zephro’s Trick or Treat Studios will be responsible for the OFFICIAL 2012 HalloweeN II Michael Myers mask! The mask is a version of the LUNATIC, sculpted by the talented Justin Mabry. The mask will retail for $59.99 in stores nationwide (or buy one at and will finally offer HalloweeN fans an accurate, affordable and official Michael Myers mask – something fans have been anticipating for over 30 years. More details and a formal announcement will follow soon. For now, check out these videos, shot at Halloween Expo 2012:

35 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: Official 2012 Michael Myers mask revealed”

  1. knowbody says:

    This is Fantastic news! It’s only fitting that Zephro and TOTS should be releasing the first ever accurate and offical Myers replica.

  2. zuzek1996 says:

    LOVE IT!!!

  3. ryn says:

    Best news in this hoby in a great while.

  4. nyghoul says:

    This is a landmark event in the history of indie mask making. It is going to be amazing to order a beautiful, well crafted mask without having to worry about coming up with several hundred dollars. I say cheers to Chris and Justin, amazing news. Count me in for a copy!

  5. LRSR_MASK says:

    I love it awesome mask 2012 !!!!

  6. pumpkinhead87 says:

    Very cool! I never got a chance to pick up a Lunatic from Justin, so this will be a great opportunity! It’s going to be sooo surreal seeing a Myers mask that was sculpted by Justin on store shelves.

  7. psycho78 says:

    Just awesome!!! Can’t wait to snag one…or2!!!

  8. Jon Moran says:

    This mask is a dream come true!!! I love that there is a clean version and a blood tears version! I can see myself getting a couple of these masks, after all $59.99 is an unbeatable price!

  9. bigmikeymyers says:

    Well this is AWESOME!!!!And as soon as Shatner himself sees this,he will expect amediate pay share LOL.Its that good!

  10. scaryzack says:

    wow. that turned out great!

  11. pyshco98 says:

    Holy moly, just $60? I’m picking up a few of those and the Don Post masks!

  12. sam says:

    did I see a goon mask and a hellboy mask in there too???

  13. halloweenfan says:

    I may pick up a blood tears version for that price:-)

  14. spaulding says:

    awsome (L)

  15. harrison78 says:

    I love it so much its great that there going back to the kirk H1/H2 style and i love the little things, it sort of looks like a weatherd nightowl maniac, in-fact I think im going to buy one of these sick pieces of art!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting this man!

  16. slash69 says:

    That is way too cool… much will the one with blood tears cost????

  17. michaelmyers687 says:

    FINALLY!!! And From my favorite HalloweeN Mask Too!!!!

  18. jdash10 says:

    I just hope mass production won’t kill the look of this amazing piece of latex 🙂

  19. zephro says:

    jdash10, don’t worry, this is no China made mask. You won’t be disappointed. And the pictures you are seeing are production samples direct from our factory.

  20. Bridge says:

    Oh, I can’t wait for the preorder options 🙂

  21. adammaneer says:

    i gotta have 2 of these masks it’s so close 2 real thing gotta have !!!! can’t wait !!! some1 help me find this asap !!!!! it’s a dream come true !!!!!!

  22. adammaneer says:

    can’t wait 2 have my very own !!!! U GUYS R THE BEST !!!!!now if i could find the bowie knife ” tony swatton ” 19 1/2 that would wrap up my collection !!! only thing i dont have !!!!!! THANKS !!!!!! keep up great work !!!! waiting 4 3-d HALLOWEEN next !!!!!!!!

  23. adammaneer says:

    ????? what about young myers clown mask ???? i got a replica don post #2 made!!! love 2 see what could happen about that clown mask!!!thanks again !!!!!!!!

  24. Davy Mack says:

    Amazing looking. Will they be big enough for people with big heads? I have a couple of old mmp masks that looked great but were way too snug to wear for more than a minute or so. Thanks

  25. Adam Dean says:

    I hope they make a mask from HALLOWEEN H2O I want the one from the scene where Laurie Strode hits Michael in the head with a fire extinguisher ( His hair looks like it is spiked up ) ( awesome look ).

  26. Adam Dean says:

    Hey does any body know what color his jumpsuit is. On some Halloween movie it looks green and other blue and then on Halloween 2 1981 it looks like he is wearing a sweater and Finally He looks like it is gray on Halloween H2O where he is laying on the table.

  27. Great Michael Myers mask, most accurate to the actual movie Halloween II (1981) ever made since the creation of the white William Shatner mask. It will be sold in late July, only thing is it costs $59.99. WTH?

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