Featured Michael Myers Masks (May Edition)

For the best in Michael Myers mask replicas, one doesn’t need to look far. The members here at Michael-Myers.net never fail to impress with the excellent pieces in their respective collections. Here are some recent acquisitions by our fellow members number2, slasher75 and cadburry420.

Taking it back to the future is number2’s JA75. Arguably the most accurate Captain Kirk replica, this particular copy has something else that sets it apart. Owing to its partial conversion into a Michael Myers mask, it is mesmerizing and downright eerie.

Next, slasher75’s NAG Castle was given the unrivaled JC touch. Not only does this mask seem like it came right off the set of 1978’s HalloweeN, it looks as though Nick Castle is still wearing it.

It’s sequel time. In keeping with the high standards set by the previous 2 masks, cadburry420 has hooked us up with an early run Brad Hardin H6. This is, hands down, the apex of Halloween replicas.

Thank you for your time and thanks to number2, slasher75 and cadburry420. I just looked in the mirror and I’m green (green with envy, that is).

3 thoughts on “Featured Michael Myers Masks (May Edition)”

  1. betelgeuse4721 says:

    Great article as always, knowbody. All three of these masks are gems, but Great Scott – number2’s JA75 may be the most badass mask I have ever seen.

  2. moisti says:

    not even a single word about the handyboy mask?
    probably the most honest project ever made,imo the handyboy mask is the most realistic mask that have been made from scratch,no retooling just pure artist skills.i really wonder the true reason why there is not a single words about his project?

  3. I want the h6 mask and dvd

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