Featured Michael Myers Masks: July 2012
Summer is here and it’s a scorcher. Some of you are using the summer to put together elaborate gif files to use as your avatars. Others are working; furthering their education; socializing; or reading a good book. There are also the kings and queens of the hobby. They’re busy adding to their online reputation and letting the muscles in their bodies atrophy. In essence, everyone is doing their thing.
The great Michael Myers masks and photos keep coming regardless. This time, Myerstat, thechief69, jc_70, Boogeyman, Benny and auzorann deliver the pics and masks. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing this summer. Whether you’re catching sun rays outdoors or absorbing electromagnetic radiation from your computer, you cannot deny that these shots are great.
Benny makes his second appearance on this blog. It’s nice to see that the appreciation for his talent has skyrocketed since last December. Check out what Benny did with this HMK
A Clean Destroyer sits in Boogeyman’s collection. Sweet mask
Jc_70 worked his magic on this Nag H78 Retool. The shots are fantastic, too
The pics from thechief69 are outstanding. These are the best St. Nick photos I’ve seen
Auzorann has received one of the first copies of the Official HalloweeN II Michael Myers mask by TOTS
Here’s a special piece. Myerstat has scored this incredible and unique Nightowl H2 mask. It is dubbed the Reshoots/Stunt Mask. It captures the way Michael Myers looked after being shot in the eyes in HalloweeN II
Thanks for looking! I hope you’re all having a great summer.
The tots one Ok-ish. the one by thechief69 AMAZING.
Is it possible to show a better picture of our mask? He ton quite a few and this is by far my least favorite.
I agree. This is not the best pic of the ToTs out there.
Awesome, great to see you get a feature Ian (thechief69) and yep the pictures are feckin awesome make me want to dig my St Nick out again.
Thanx bud, glad u like the shots mate , heres to a new mask soon eh for more ?? lol 😉
Ian (thecheif69) amazing stuff buddy. next time yoiu are down, bring ya camera and we’ll get some pics together in our respectiove myers 😉
some of thoses masks looked a little crappy,like the hair colors and stuff
but i have seen way worse,so not dissin,i cant do any better..
Kings and queens of the hobby?
Where can I get that st nick mask!! Or a hero h4 mask!?