Masks of the Month September 2016
Here’s to another fantastic month of masks…and the last month before Halloween!
NAG 2K Promo painted by Joey Romero
Owner: 45LampkinLane
JC 75K
Owner: Jon L.
MCS “dedicated stretch” by Rowland Kelly
Owner: Davy Krueger
NAG 98 Proto by JC
Owner: Jay Muzz
JC NightOwl Shat
Owner: Glen (neewolah)
NAG 75K Half-Conversion #1 by JC
Owner: Jon L.
NAG H2 Nightmare
Owner: Myersguy1998
Brad Hardin H20 by Killah
Owner: Killah
Owner: maxhell
NAG 75 Kirk
owner: mtlongy
NightOwl NM78 1-Stamp by JC
Owner: Brandon Schattel
NAG 75 Kirk by AHG
Owner: Wolfman
MCS H2SM by Rowland Kelly
Owner: Rowland Kelly
NAG 98 Proto Direct Cast
Owner: Jon Dano
Whew…tons of great masks! Couldn’t get to every single one, but I always try to include the masks that are either brand new or were freshly overhauled.
See you next month!