Michael Myers Masks: December 2013

Featured Michael Myers Masks is back, they say that time flies when you’re having fun and here we are in December, getting ready to start a new year. If you’re searching for a Christmas gift for somebody who likes films or memorabilia, The Official Michael Myers Mask makes for a unique and affordable present.

RZhalloweenfan22 Dela Torre Buried Michael Myers Mask:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 07

michael myers mask 2013 dec 08

THCreeps Myers Mask and costume:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 01

Jadocs Michael Myers masks display (NAG/AHG H78 Deluxe mask featured in both pics):

michael myers mask 2013 dec 03b

michael myers mask 2013 dec 02

1mike1 Alex Sanchez/Brad Hardin Halloween 6 Mask:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 09

xCr33pShoWx SSN George Wilbur H6 Mask:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 04

uwannadon HalloweeN II Blood Tears by TOTS in the first pic and more H2 Myers in the second:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 05

michael myers mask 2013 dec 13

KillerWithAkirkMask Halloween 1978 style:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 06

onedgepits Halloween II style:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 10

trevornelsen1 NAG 75K Myers:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 11

79brodz Nag/Ahg MMK Mask:

michael myers mask 2013 dec 12

4 thoughts on “Michael Myers Masks: December 2013”

  1. rabbitinred78 says:

    onedgepits Halloween mask is just fantastic! Makes me excited about getting my masks.

  2. uwannadon says:

    Adam where have you benn hiding that one WOW bro!

  3. uwannadon says:

    Thanks for throwin me in there, fee like family now!

  4. DA Shredder says:

    where can i get taht rob zombie mask?

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