Michael Myers Masks March 2014

Be sure you pre-order the great new Michael Myers Masks that Trick or Treat Studios is going to release later this year – just click here. Seeing the new masks that TOTS will be offering has made me more interested in this hobby than ever, I own some TOTS masks already, but I’m thinking of getting my first independent Michael Myers replicas soon. I think I’ll start with a Halloween 1978 mask and a Rob Zombie remake one.

uwannadon has contributed several great photos: ’06 Psycho, Fear, Halloween II TOTS and Warlock masks:

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The_H6_King The Curse of Michael Myers mask:

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Lamson78 Halloween 4 The Return Of Michael Myers mask:

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JBW Dick Warlock as Michael Myers 1/6 scale Figure and Michael Myers masks: NAG/MMK Kirk LE#37, NAG/MMK Promo H1, NAG H78 Retool SE CGP Warlock Sandman, HSS/JC ’99Shat H2, NAG/JC 75K H1:

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monsterman NAG H78 mask:

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killah Nightowl Creep:

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undead-october 7kK Castle Shape mask:

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maskcollector230 Shat:

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SSN H20:

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Halloween666 Halloween II Mask by Trick or Treat:

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jackaxe Buried Michael Myers masks:

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2 thoughts on “Michael Myers Masks March 2014”

  1. uwannadon says:

    Thanks for throwing me in there guys!

  2. Jack Norman says:

    Awesome thanks for sharing my collection!

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