Michael Myers Masks: Spring 2014, Part IV
Yes this is the fourth part in the Featured Michael Myers Masks for the Spring season, since I’m so happy that we have left old man Winter behind. The release of the new Michael Myers Masks from The Curse of Michael Myers, Halloween H20 and Halloween: Resurrection by Trick or Treat is getting closer and closer, and the best thing is you can place your pre-order right here through the Michael Myers Mask, Costume and Prop Store.
plapusan N.A.G. Scarred with handmade paper mache masks:
AeroFlow2 Michael Myers clean mask from Rob Zombie’s Halloween:
suffo519 HalloweeN II Myers Mask:
Wiseguy5150 Rob Zombie’s Halloween Michael Myers mask:
TheKiller78 Relic from Rob Zombie’s Halloween:
InGen Collector Dela Torre Revolver Mask:
bojesse57 Damned88 Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers Mask: