Never Say Never: John Carpenter to Return for the Next Halloween Film!

If this were the first of April I would have simply disregarded the GREAT news I read earlier this morning but being that it is not, my hopes for the next Halloween film are higher than they have been in years!

Several credible websites are reporting that none other than John Carpenter (director of the original Halloween) will return as executive producer for the franchise’s upcoming tenth film.

“38 years after the original Halloween, “I’m going to help to try to make the 10th sequel the scariest of them all” John Carpenter states.

HalloweeN director John Carpenter at Fan Expo 2012

Malek Akkad had this to say: “Trancas International is thrilled to be teaming up with Miramax on ‘Halloween,’ one of the most enduring horror franchises in film” “We are also very excited to be working with Jason Blum and the whole team at Blumhouse. Together, along with the return of legendary filmmaker John Carpenter, we are eager to make a film that will be a milestone in the franchise’s legacy and that will excite the fans, young and old.”

The exciting announcement was made at the Blumhouse Productions in Los Angeles last night. Blumhouse productions will be teaming up with Trancas International, and Mirimax and the trio will co finance the production. Malek Akkad and Jason Blum will also co produce.

Though not official yet, Jason Blum stated at the announcement of this event that he also wants Carpenter to also score the new film.

The next film in the Halloween franchise is starting to look special indeed!

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