Michael Myers HalloweeN 4 Mask in the works

Fans of Michael Myers masks are eagerly awaiting the release of an all-new replica based on the mask used in HalloweeN 4: The Return of Michael Myers. Site member Crofader is hard at work on this project and has provided photos of the first blank out of the mold. These new masks will be finished by esteemed mask expert Scott of QOTS.

Recall that Crofader owns a screen used Michael Myers mask from HalloweeN 4. This new replica is based off of Crofader’s screen used mask and it improves upon a previously released rendition. The new H4 mask promises to be the best HalloweeN 4 replica to date. The mask will come in two sizes: 24 inch and 25 inch (pictured here). The finished prototype will be revealed soon and pre-orders are currently being accepted.

crofader new h4 michael myers mask 01

crofader new h4 michael myers mask 02

crofader new h4 michael myers mask 03

13 thoughts on “Michael Myers HalloweeN 4 Mask in the works”

  1. entersandman says:

    This is gonna be good 🙂

  2. Chris Zephro says:

    Hell yes! I want one!

  3. Campbell Nicole says:

    H4 mask is really underrated. I love the look of the mask personally. This will be the king of all H4's.

  4. ranshiiekrueger84 says:


  5. ?????????????????????????????

  6. Eric J Brightman says:

    How much and where do I go to pre-order?

    1. knowbody says:

      @ Eric
      Hello, you can get in touch with Crofader for details. Join the forum here (www.michael-myers.net) and send him a message (/phpBB/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1218).

  7. jonnystyles says:

    I’m really excited about this next mask project the H4. It was the best design that Hollywood came out with besides the orignal one. It was so kickass to finally get a accurate replica of the H2 mask and now we will recieve another kickass replica design of the H4. Thank you Crofader, we the fans have been buying a lot of crappy models over two decades now and finally we will get that iconic look of the H4 mask. People always look forward to seeing me as Michael Myers in my small town on Halloween and this next mask will bring a brand new feel of terror, this I promise.

  8. Steven Emery says:

    what's the cost and do they send to australia?

  9. When can we expect to see to go on sale?

    1. knowbody says:

      The Mask is now on sale! The mask is called the “Damned88.” You can contact site member Crofader for details. Thanks.

  10. Jeremy Walker says:

    I want to order one of these in a 24 inch. how do I order one??

  11. Jack Jenkins says:

    Just ordered a raw latex pull off of eBay so I can complete it myself. Can't wait for it to arrive this Friday. 🙂

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