Rabbit in Red Radio: Sean Clark calls in, Walking Dead, Death Valley

Rabbit in Red Episode 58:

We had a fun time here doing the show this week!


* I told everyone why I am the biggest dope in the world for an act I did while at work.

* Mike and I go over if the Walking Dead is just that?  Why is it just slow moving in season 2?

* I complain a bit over Death Valley and why I think it should get a renew.

* Sean Clark came back on the show and couldn’t be any more happier about it!

* Mike and I wrapped up with some news and thoughts.

And so much more on Rabbit in Red Radio!

3 thoughts on “Rabbit in Red Radio: Sean Clark calls in, Walking Dead, Death Valley”

  1. vaderreborn76 says:

    I think you’re right about that other show on another site. They don’t know horror.

  2. vaderreborn76 says:

    Steven Spielberg. Wouldn’t he be a top versatile director?? JAWS is top 25.

  3. DonaldPleasenceFan says:

    Most definitely That’s another great choice that I can’t believe we missed.

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