RIR Anniversary: MM.Net Members Call In, HalloweeN Blu-Rays
Welcome to a mini show – This episode marks the 2 year anniversary of the show and in a rare turn is one of the two shows planned for this week.
We talk a little bit about several topics: HalloweeN 2, 3 & 4 Blu-Rays and Paranormal Activity 4.
We are now accepting calls and voicemails for the show where Michael-Myers.net members have been scammed at some point by an artist or member when purchasing Halloween masks. The number is always on and accepting voice mails: (724)565-3835
At the 35:00 mark, Michael-Myers.net member Matt Shane calls in to talk about how he was scammed by Josh Russell (StarJerk).
We come in under the 43 minute mark,also this episode marks the 1st ever call in Scam Alert. So sit back and enjoy a nice quickie from your friends at Rabbit In Red Radio.
This is the best talk yet, I haven’t heard you guys for awhile but man I enjoyed the HELL out of this! I can’t wait for the DVD’s!!
Hahaha really! http://www.ebay.com/itm/1975-Star-Trek-Captain-Kirk-Mask-Michael-Myers-Mask-ONLY-ONE-IN-EXISTENCE-/221113683433?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337b670de9
Hahaha really! http://www.ebay.com/itm/1975-Star-Trek-Captain-Kirk-Mask-Michael-Myers-Mask-ONLY-ONE-IN-EXISTENCE-/221113683433?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item337b670de9