Scared Stiff: Closet Monster

The Scared Stiff TV Web Series will now be regularly posted at! For those of you who are not familiar with them: “Scared Stiff is an anthology series of short horror films. Each unique tale features a variety of ghosts, madmen, vampires, and the unknown.”  We will feature videos from Scared Stiff, with the creator (Douglas A. Plomitallo) contributing commentary and a synopsis of each episode, exclusive to We hope you enjoy our first feature:

Closet Monster

“In ‘Closet Monster’, a young girl must battle the mysterious closet monster alone without any help from her cranky babysitter.”


“Closet Monster” was selected by a panel of judges, including Eli Roth, as a finalist in the 2011 Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights film contest. The film did not win but I am honored that it was selected amongst the other great films in the contest. “Closet Monster” marks the second time that 8-year-old Judy Nemchek starred in a “Scared Stiff” episode. In “A Whisper in the Wind” I wrote the character of Hannah with very few speaking lines because I was worried about finding a child actor who could be convincing. After being blown away by her performance, I wrote this script with her in mind.

I couldn’t be happier with Dina Montefuscoli’s performance as the nasty babysitter. I wanted her character to be antithetical of the innocent little girl making the baby-sitter’s demise all the more gratifying. Dina brought a lot to the character and added her own personal touches making the babysitter a fun character to root against. Fred Bonheim, who does the make-up effects for the majority of our films, once again did a great job with the monster. I really wanted the monster to look like something a child would imagine a monster to look like. I feel that we achieved that goal. Believe it or not, the total make-up application took close to 9 hours to apply! Although he is only on screen for a few seconds, I felt that if the monster wasn’t convincing, it would kill the whole piece.


Did You Know: Jon Geter, the actor who was behind the monster make-up is the same actor who plays Tiny in the majority of the “Tiny’s Halloween” series. 


Douglas A. Plomitallo
Producer, Scared Stiff
Scared Stiff Facebook

One thought on “Scared Stiff: Closet Monster”

  1. Excellent! Great information about Closet Monster. I watched that one and it kept me on the edge of my seat!

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