Michael Myers Resembles Mrs. Spool from Psycho III
The world-renowned Bates Motel was back in business in 1986’s Psycho III. Norman Bates had lost his mind again and he was doing what Mother wanted. But this time, Mother was not exactly Norman’s real mom. Bates had replaced Mother with her sister, Mrs. Emma Spool. Mrs. Spool’s corpse now acted as a substitute for…
Big Joe Grizzly of Rob Zombie’s HalloweeN
An extremely important character in the HalloweeN franchise is Big Joe Grizzly. He was responsible for giving Michael Myers his knife and his fancy coveralls (without Grizzly, Michael might’ve worn a three-piece suit for all we know). As you may have guessed it, “Big Joe Grizzly” wasn’t his actual name (no person, real or fictional, could possibly…
[REC]3 Genesis Trailers
The third installment in the [REC] franchise is set to be released in the first quarter of 2012. Since the series is made in Spain (and with Spanish dialog), it is one of the more successful foreign horror movies to come out in recent times. This 3rd entry takes place at Clara’s wedding. Most of the…