Black Friday Sales for Michael Myers masks and more! (SALE is LIVE)

Michael Myers mask and HalloweeN fans, be sure to take advantage of several great deals and sales that are happening in our community. In anticipation of the holiday season, Derek (of, Zephro (of Trick or Treat Studios), and Horror Sanctum are all respectively offering their inventory at special, discounted prices for Black Friday (Nov. 23)…

Official HalloweeN II Michael Myers Mask: Customer Video

The first twenty 2012 Official HalloweeN II Michael Myers Masks have shipped! In an official statement from Chris Zephro of Trick or Treat Studios: I had about 20 of them that I took from the factory to send to Universal Studios. As part of the contract, Universal gets 20 of each mask for promotional purposes,…

The Hard Work Behind the Official HalloweeN II Mask by TOTS

It’s every HalloweeN fan’s dream: a factory full of Michael Myers masks. That’s exactly what the Trick or Treat Studios manufacturing plant is these days. As the maker of the Official HalloweeN II Mask, ToTs is putting in massive overtime to provide fans with accurate Michael Myers masks. The photos, provided by ToTs president Zephro,…