Rabbit in Red Radio: Horror Hits the Hard Water
In this episode of Rabbit In Red Radio, Vince and Rich cover everything from the HalloweeN movies to The Devils Rejects, The Avengers, Adam Green & Illegal downloading of movies online. They also talk about the integrity of those “other” horror sites. That and much more on this weeks episode – delivering you the best…
Big Joe Grizzly of Rob Zombie’s HalloweeN
An extremely important character in the HalloweeN franchise is Big Joe Grizzly. He was responsible for giving Michael Myers his knife and his fancy coveralls (without Grizzly, Michael might’ve worn a three-piece suit for all we know). As you may have guessed it, “Big Joe Grizzly” wasn’t his actual name (no person, real or fictional, could possibly…
William Forsythe Autograph from Rob Zombie’s HalloweeN
Here’s the first in a series that will feature an autographed item from any of the people involved in the Halloween franchise. Actor William Forsythe will kick things off. Forsythe played Ronnie White in Rob Zombie’s Halloween in 2007. Ronnie was Deborah Myers’ violent and foul-mouthed boyfriend. Forsythe’s character had a small but memorable role (and death) in the…