Make your own Michael Myers Mask

You can look exactly like Michael Myers from HalloweeN without breaking the bank. Thanks to Serial Killer Productions, it is now possible to create your own Michael Myers mask quickly and without injuring yourself too much. This free tutorial is offered by Serial Killer Industries, which is run by Positive Brandon and Negative Craig. They…

Michael Myers Mask Hobby: My Arrival and Departure

It was Rob Zombie’s 2007 re-imagining of HalloweeN that rekindled my interest in Michael Myers. It’s also what brought me into this hobby of Michael Myers Masks. I knew that there had to be something better out there than the Don Post The Mask I owned back then. Upon acquiring a few masks, I realized…

Michael Myers Mask Crumbles

One of the joys of contributing to the blog is receiving emails and messages from the readers. Recently, I’ve been in contact with a collector who wishes to remain anonymous. He collects Michael Myers masks and screen-used props from various films (for example, he has some discarded spider hairs from Arachnophobia). He’s also a…

The Hobby: I Got So Much Trouble On My Mind

The world of Michael Myers is a strange and wonderful one. During my involvement in this hobby, I’ve bought, sold and traded several masks. I’ve also witnessed and been involved in some rather strange phenomena that seem particular and unique to our competitive pastime. Often, I’ve encountered the Seller Who Doesn’t Reply. In responding to…