Michael Myers and his Quick Massacre Technique

The Quick Massacre is a Michael Myers rampage that lasts a relatively short while and results in at least 3 on-screen casualties. Excluded from this category are: longer sprees (such as Michael’s killings in the hospital throughout HalloweeN II); bloodbaths with an unknown death toll (e.g. Michael’s assault on the police station in Halloween 4); and…

Big Joe Grizzly of Rob Zombie’s HalloweeN

An extremely important character in the HalloweeN franchise is Big Joe Grizzly. He was responsible for giving Michael Myers his knife and his fancy coveralls (without Grizzly, Michael might’ve worn a three-piece suit for all we know). As you may have guessed it, “Big Joe Grizzly” wasn’t his actual name (no person, real or fictional, could possibly…