Trick or Treat Halloween Masks & Store: We say thanks!

This is a special dedication to Trick or Treat Studios for making the best Official Michael Myers Masks and Halloween 3 Season of the Witch replicas, and to Derek’s store for shipping out many of these masks to us. All of these masks by TOTS are available here at the store, you can’t beat the price and you can’t beat the quality and accuracy of these masks. Seriously, just the Halloween II mask and the Halloween H20 mask alone are better than almost any other replicas from my two favorite Halloween sequels. Remember that it all began with the Halloween II Michael Myers mask, then the rest followed this year.

Therealyungant video of Halloween II mask:

Samhain83 Halloween H20 Michael Myers Mask:

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ILove10aflyViper Halloween H20 Michael Myers Mask:

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theshape999 Halloween H20 mask:

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monsterman Halloween H20 Myers:

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monsterman Halloween Resurrection Michael Myers Mask:

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Michael Myers 1978 Halloween 3 Witch mask:

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theshape999 Season of thr Witch Mask:

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ILove10aflyViper Halloween III Witch mask:

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Chaos76 Halloween III Skull mask:

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GraveOctober Halloween III Skull:

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Michael Myers 1978 H3 Skull mask:

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BRoswell Halloween III Pumpkin Mask:

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halloweenfan H3 Pumpkin mask:

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Jst Halloween 6 The Curse of Michael Myers Mask:

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jarrett62960 H6 Michael Myers mask:

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Halloween666 H6 Myers Mask:

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Zombie Dude Skull and Witch masks:

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Zombie Dude Pumpkin and Halloween 6 The Curse of Michael Myers masks:

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HalloweenFan1988 H6 and H20 masks:

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One thought on “Trick or Treat Halloween Masks & Store: We say thanks!”

  1. Hallow's_Thorn says:

    Amazing Quality type Masks!! Literally the best worldwide cheap selling masks known to date!!! I thank just in mabry for doing the head sculpts on these mask’s and the Whole TOTS TEAM. I also Thank Derek for sharing many info and selling the Tots mask himself on this website! I Ordered all 3 the H20,H8 and H6

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