Michael Myers Masks On FeeBay

There was a time when FeeBay (or EvilBay) was a reliable place to find good Michael Myers masks. One could find very rare Michael Myers replicas without looking too hard on FeeBay and this added excitement to the hobby. But legal issues and poor judgment by EvilBay users have now turned FeeBay into a cavalcade of laughable Michael Myers masks and listings. Here are some recent Michael Myers masks that have appeared on FeeBay with a line from their original descriptions.


Michael Myers MaskThe mouth looks like it may have been enlarged past it’s original opening, see picture.” Just tweak the eye cuts for a Gary Busey mask.
michael myers mask feebay 10


Michael Myers Maskworn only a few times.” Nice turtleneck, chaotic hairdo, psychopathic stare and pea soup-colored background wall.
michael myers mask feebay 01


HalloweeN Maskin nice condition.” If you look inside the darkness of the eyehole to your left, you can see the person’s eye looking back at you, directly into your soul.
michael myers mask feebay 02


Michael Myers Maskadult size.” That the mask is displayed thrown on the floor may help to begin to explain the overall condition of the mask.
michael myers mask feebay 03


Myers Maskused once.” Check out the Castle stretch.
michael myers mask feebay 04

michael myers mask feebay 07


Myers Maskspecial edition.” This is a classic case where “special edition” simply means that the seller spilled coffee all over the regular edition.
michael myers mask feebay 08


Michael Myers MaskAs is, look at pictures before you bid.” Yea, take a good look at the photos before you bid. You wouldn’t want to get stuck with a rotting piece of latex that’s been displayed on someone’s strong arm over a warm blanket now would you?
michael myers mask feebay 09


Michael Myers HalloweeN Maskjust add knife or sword and your set!” It would also be helpful to add a gray shirt to your costume once you obtain that sword and bonus if you have really narrow shoulders and a skin condition that makes you look all red.
michael myers mask feebay 05

michael myers mask feebay 06


Myers Maskvintage don post, it is a don post original, in great shape for its age.” Not even in Don Post’s worst nightmare could he ever have envisioned his “vintage” mask looking like this. Also disturbing is the shape of the person’s head. Please tell me that’s a mannequin underneath there (and the eyes look like they’re made out of plastic).
michael myers mask feebay 11

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12 thoughts on “Michael Myers Masks On FeeBay”

  1. uwannadon says:

    I think that’s a chick not a Manny Lol!

  2. lamson78 says:

    The third one has always reminded me of scarecrow from wizard of oz.

  3. This was too friggin' funny. xD

  4. are you serious on these masks or is it a mere joke

  5. Joanna Pozdyn says:


  6. Chrissy Flanagan says:


  7. psychosi says:

    Hahahaha… That made me laugh!

  8. Bobby Capone says:

    Those masks r a joke

  9. nightfrightprops says:

    Absolutely Pathetic !!!

  10. DA Shredder says:

    Lol man i was about to purchase those cheap masks in my local Halloween store during Halloween but hey I found Trick or Treat Studios and that Halloween mask MIchael MYers is surely the bomb love that place i recommend the economy which is more affordable and might snag the 54.99 1978 mask!

  11. mrsmyers says:

    Story of my life as I was searching for a mask. I couldn’t believe people were actually selling these! At least I got a good laugh out of it lol

  12. Deva_X_T01 says:

    I need that hair emergency where can I find it ?

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